Monday, January 25, 2010

Deer Hunting Strategies

During the time before deer season starts there is a lot of preparation to take in account for. Considering you hunt different during the early season then you do the late late season. During the early season around September to the end of October you want to concentrate on food sources such as accorns,clover,alfalfa,and any other food source found in nature that a whitetail deer cravrs. There are other food sources that deer crave that can be planted, put in feeders and spread over an area such as corn,minerals, high protine, salt blocks, apple blocks, ect.. there are alot of food sources you can buy that deer crave but that might vary for area to area you may use corn on one of your famrs and on your other farm deer might act differently to corn. In early season it is very easy to pattern deer track there movements. It's easy these days to patteren whitetails with trail cameras but as the sesons change deer change there patterens. If your seening deer at a stand that has an abundance of food source such as corn it is very likely that as the seasons change deer change so instead of them visiting your stand during the day they start visiting it at night because the threat for danger is lower at night during the day and as winter comes it is harder to pattern these deer that's why you you have to chsnge your style of huntig as well. When late season arrives from November to January your style changes during november deer come into rut and they are constantly chaseing does to breed with during this time you can call a deer in with many tool such as a grunters, rattling horns, can calls, and ect..Depending on where you the best time to hunt is in the morning because the deer have been feeding all night and they are likely to be heading to there beeding area and you you have a stand next to there beeding area you are likely to connect on a good mature whitetail.

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