Many bow hunters today say that October is the best time to be in the woods. True,peak rut is the undoubtedly the best time to be in your stand from sunrise to sunset.It's the best to set in your stand all day and the reason bening that most hunters get down from there stand around 11 and go and grab a bite for breakfast and come back later in the day around 2 or 3. The reason to stay all day is when other hunters decide to get down and leave there is a chance they can spook deer on there way out and they could run right toward you and if your not there you just could of missed the buck of your dreams. The other reason is most big bucks don't move till around 11:30 because the threat of danger is so high they just stay bedded up till they since that danger is gone.October is also the best time to patteren a mature buck what happens from the benging of October to the first of November mature bucks follow there same routine, same paths,same everything,if you can pattern one of these buck you just might have a chance at a buck of a lifetime. The best way to patteren a mature buck is first to scout the area your hunting find water sources, food sources, find were the bedding area is, old rubs,old scrapes anything that can point you to were deer might have been or might be. Set trail cameras in these locations if you have a bunch of action out of these places set up a stand, put out some corn,high-pro anything to keep the deer interested so that they keep comming back to your stand. During the Pre-Rut you can use deer attrcatants to help bring a big buck in, most people will disagree with me about this but heres my reason why, mid October mature bucks are wandering all over the place looking for that first doe to breed with and the season goes on a November rools around its going to be hard to see a deer because there smart they know they are bening hunted and they know not to show themselves during the daylight. That's why deer start turning more and more nocturneal as it gets later and later in the season. There is thatone occasion that a big buck will strole his way in november looking for a hot doe. Last year i was hunting in a stand second day of October i saw more buck that one day then i did the season before. There were all sizes of bucks most little but with 15 minutes of light left the biggest buck ive ever seen steeped out 30 yards and i let the arrow fly to see i shot and inch over him and nailed the tree with my easton arrow. October 4,2009 the moster buck was taken by my dad same stand i sa him at 2 days before he final scored 166 7/8.